
Contact Us

Telephone: Head Office: 708-449-0700
Toll Free: 877 244 1777)

Fax: Head Office: 708-449-0777


Post TC Measurement and Control, Inc
PO Box 685
Hillside , IL 60162

IECEx Thermocouples with Pot Seal

IECEx Thermocouples with Die Cast Alloy Head

IECEx Thermocouples with Die Cast Alloy Head and Process Connection

IECEx Thermocouples with St. / Steel Head

IECEx Thermocouples with St. / Steel Head and Process Connection

IECEx Thermocouples with Dual Entry Head

IECEx Thermocouples with Dual Entry Head and Process Connection

IECEx Thermocouples with Spring loaded terminal block

IECEx Thermocouples with Terminal Entry Gland

IECEx Thermocouples with Terminal Entry Gland and Process Connection

IECEx Spring Loaded Thermocouples

IECEx Thermocouple Feedthroughs
IECEx RTD Pt100 Sensors with Pot Seal

IECEx RTD Pt100 Sensors with Die Cast Alloy Head

IECEx RTD Pt100 Sensors with Die Cast Alloy Head and Process Connection

IECEx RTD Pt100 Sensors with St. / Steel Head

IECEx RTD Pt100 Sensors with St. / Steel Head and Process Connection

IECEx RTD Pt100 Sensors with Dual Entry Head

IECEx RTD Pt100 Sensors with Dual Entry Head and Process Connection

IECEx RTD Pt100 Sensors with Spring loaded terminal block

IECEx RTD Pt100 Sensors with Terminal Entry Gland

IECEx RTD Pt100 Sensors with Terminal Entry Gland and Process Connection

IECEx Spring Loaded RTD Pt100 Sensors
IECEx 4 to 20mA Indicators

IECEx Temperature Transmitters

IECEx Compression Fittings

IECEx Terminal Heads

IECEx Pressure and Vacuum Feedthroughs

© 2006- TC Measurement and Control, Inc, PO Box 65, Hillside, IL 60162
Tel.: 877 249 1777, Fax: 708 449 0777, Email: